TRA Announces Agenda for Annual Conference Day, 2024

UK Tyre Recovery Association Celebrates 25 Years and its Silver Jubilee

UK used tyre recycling industry bosses gather to call on the new government to advance opportunities and innovation necessary to secure this vital but under-acknowledged sector

Tuesday 24 September sees the largest gathering of the UK tyre recycling industry to discuss the challenges of today and the opportunities of tomorrow. Over 50 businesses are expected to be represented to hear from the leading industry experts and analysts at a time when the new government needs to focus on some crucial decisions to enable the industry to succeed. Without an update to the regulatory framework many fear the imminent demise of the UK’S domestic tyre recycling industry.

Following the disappointment of at least the last eighteen months with policy development put on the back burner, industry leaders are looking to the new government to bring a fresh and reinvigorated approach to securing the long-term future for British operators and advance the circular economy. Crucial issues include environmental protection, maximising domestic processing capacity and developing market places for by-products, like rubberised asphalt.

The programme sees global experts gathering at the Leamington Spa venue to discuss crucial developments.

Programme will include

• The latest data analysis of used tyre arisings in the UK, Europe and beyond.

• Introduction of Digital Waste Tracking from 2025.

• Tracking Technologies.

• Requirements for the registration of all Dealers/Brokers/Carriers of waste. Who it will affect/what

retailers, carriers and reprocessors will need to do.

• The Export question.

• The VRA’s new tyre training module.

• Tyre manufacturers, retreaders and TRA recyclers – Working together.

Peter Taylor OBE, Secretary General of the TRA, said: “September’s conference is a crucial meeting for tyre recycling businesses from around the UK. The new government provides the opportunity for a change in approach, something we have been calling for. There are urgent reforms to our regulatory framework that are required to secure the UK’s domestic recycling capability and to protect the environment.

“The government must address the export question. We have become far too reliant on exporting our ELTs [end-of-life tyres] abroad, with little real concern for what happens at the other end. A responsible government can make some simple changes that are inexpensive and will improve business conditions for  successful responsible domestic operators.

“The TRA’s annual day is an important moment to look at the innovations and developments in the industry. I look forward to updates on tracking and its role in export oversight and to hearing of the product developments which can make a real difference to life in Britain. Labour have prioritised addressing the age-old road pothole challenge and, with rubberised asphalt, the used tyre industry has a product that should play a central role in answering that challenge.

“We are very much looking forward to seeing our members and hearing from the global experts on tyre recovery and recycling. It will be a fruitful and forward looking gathering.”
