Plant hire and waste haulage specialist Monks Contractors, based in Mellor Brook, is investing in CAM’s fitter-forceTMplatform, enabling the company to exert improved control over its stock management requirements for its own commercial, HGV and plant machinery fitment services.
e-jobsheet integration into fitter-force provides a link between the head office and the mobile technicians employing the tablet app. It delivers job status updates and, crucially, as the stock is allocated to the work/vehicles on a job-by-job basis, Monks can benefit from continuous visibility of all the work being conducted and, its stock position.
The platform will also utilise CAM BI (Business Intelligence) to formulate transaction-by-transaction views of tyres that have been de-mounted to assist in locating casings and their management.
In addition, through the TiDaeXTM platform, Monks will be able to outsource future work to third party tyre service providers on those occasions when it makes more business sense to do so, rather than attend to the work directly. These target providers are visible on the TiDaeX platform.
James Styles, fleet supervisor, Monks Contractors, says, “With a strong reputation built upon many years of experience, Monks Contractors was looking for a complete solution to stock control and technician management, and fitter-force perfectly suits our business model. We’re confident it will help us accelerate our growth plans and continue our high levels of service efficiency.”
Steve Daly, director of CAM, comments, “fitter-force and its e-jobsheet integration means Monks can fully monitor the standard and timeliness of work being carried out on company vehicles involved in a high-quality asset management function.”