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CAM is embarking on a mentoring programme for its UniSerV™ users over the next six months, consolidating its major investment in both the platform and to the UniSerV User Group forum over the past five years.

The planned road campaign aims to visit all UniSerV customers to present all the new functionality available within the system, ensuring that users are maximising the efficiencies and savings presented for truck, bus and van.  These will include the upcoming enhancements to the Fleet Management solutions as well as policy information delivery to the e-jobsheet application, and much more.

The newly integrated UniSerV and e-jobsheet users can benefit from enhancements to the system which include generating fleet inspection and fleet audit completion documentation, and offering an improved service for communicating the time, date, location and tyre measurements of individual inspections or audits, whether they are for direct or third-party customers.

Kate Neill, UniSerV service delivery manager for CAM, says, “The mentoring programme is designed to ensure UniSerV users maximise the functionality of the platform including its most recent enhancements, ensuring they fully realise all available benefit from all aspects of the software.”

To book an appointment on the UniSerV mentoring programme please email Kate on
