TyreSafe is asking Britain’s motorists Are your tyres ready for ACTion?as the curtain raises on the October-long Tyre Safety Month campaign.
Every year 170 motorists on average are reported killed or seriously injured due to incidents caused by tyre-related defects, significantly more than the 1481attributed to driver distraction by mobile phone use. However, one-in-five drivers have never checked their tyres’ tread – among younger drivers it’s one-in-three2.
Carrying out tyre maintenance not only reduces the risk of an incident; it also can save money. Driving a vehicle with underinflated tyres increases fuel consumption and wear, yet astonishingly research shows as many as 57%3of tyres driven on Britain’s roads are below the recommended settings. That’s potentially £1billion wasted on fuel each year.
To educate drivers on the importance and benefits of tyre safety, TyreSafe has developed helpful, fun and informative animations based around well-known film titles for this year’s Tyre Safety Month. Are your tyres ready for ACTion?combines TyreSafe’s memory-jogging acronym ACT – Air pressure, Condition and Tread – with titles like The Good, the Bad and the Underinflated;Done in 60 Seconds; and Judge Tread. Each encourages drivers to check at least once a month and before long journeys.
The online and social assets are hoped to provide the inspiration for all age groups to engage with the campaign and add to the ‘TyreFlix Productions’ watchlist. TyreSafe would welcome further suggestions on its Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn channels such as Tyre Storyand The Usual Suspects, which have also been previewed in the Are your tyres ready for ACTion?animations.
Stuart Jackson, TyreSafe Chair, said: “The importance of tyre safety is often overlooked but the risks are real, so Tyre Safety Month is the ideal time for motorists to get into the habit of checking their tyres at least once a month and before long journeys. In addition to safety, with money likely to become increasingly tighter for many in 2021, properly maintaining tyres will help keep motoring costs down. Tyre maintenance has never been more important, so ask yourself, Are your tyres ready for ACTion?.”
A range of assets in jpeg format is available by following the Tyre Safety Month campaign links at tyresafe.org. TyreSafe supporters can access print-ready assets via the members’ area. To access this, supporters are asked to complete a registration form which theteam@tyresafe.org will approve. Then simply use login details to download the materials, which can be customised with their organisation’s logo.
1 Source: DfT Reported Road Casualties GB report
2 Source: TyreSafe survey
3 Source: Multiple including DfT, DVSA, Michelin, The AA, What Car?, Vehicle manufacturer’s official fuel figures