ETRMA would like to add its voice to that of the 633 MEPs that supported the request for the European Commission to publish a legislative initiative to guarantee fair, unrestricted and in real time access to in-vehicle data, before the end of the year.
With this vote, the European Parliament recognises that access to in-vehicle data is key to allow the entire automotive value chain to continue promoting consumer rights, innovation and ensure fair, non-discriminatory competition, whilst contributing to preserve vehicle (physical and cyber) security and data privacy right. Unimpeded access to in-vehicle data is indeed essential for the tyre industry to contribute to the future of mobility, fostering road safety, growth and competitiveness.
“Time has come for the regulatory agenda on connected and intelligent transport to move forward!” said Mrs Fazilet Cinaralp, Secretary General of ETRMA. “There is the need for a standardisation of an in-vehicle interface allowing data flow from the vehicle to third parties’ applications and a legislative act with a precise implementation timeline to allow industry and the consumers to fully benefit from the tyre mobility revolution.”