As well as hosting the popular Tyrexpo Asia Show 2021 (17th– 19thNovember) next year in Singapore, Tarsus Group will extend their event portfolio with a further event commencing in 2022.
Tyrexpo Asia 2022 will be held in March 2022 in Thailand between 28thand 30thApril 2022 at the Bangkok International Trade and Exhibition Centre (BITEC) and will alternate bi-annually with Tyrexpo Asia in Singapore.
More than 60 per cent of Tyrexpo Asia’s existing exhibitors have expressed interest in this event including Districash, Stamford Tyres, Middle East Tyre Centre, Service Industries, Globe Tyre, Goodtire Rubber and other international buyers.
Tarsus is confident this new event in Bangkok will be successful because Thailand is regarded as the largest automotive hub in south east Asia. Tyrexpo Asia 2022 will bring together regional emerging markets including Vietnam, Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia to further strengthen this important Asian tyre market.
Alwin Seow, Events Director at Tarsus says “This event is expected to attract at least 240 exhibitors from around the world and we anticipate 6,000 local and international attendees, to present a valuable opportunity for leading and emerging international regional suppliers to promote their services within the tyre, equipment and tools and tyre accessories market sectors.”
“We have already received very encouraging comments from prospective exhibitors such as ‘The new event in Bangkok will be great because we have branches there’ and ‘This would be our first time in Bangkok and I expect the show will help us expand our business activities in Thailand and surrounding countries.”
For more information on Tyrexpo Asia 2022, please visit the website:
Tyrexpo Asia 2020 Bangkok –