ETRMA Members’ Tyre Sales in Europe: Q1-2022 A Trend To Watch

The European Tyre and Rubber Manufacturers’ Association published its members’ replacement sales for the first quarter 2022.

In this first quarter 2022, except for the Agricultural segment, for which the negative single figure trend can be linked to the low seasonality, we are assisting to an increase compared to Q1 2021.

The Consumer segment is boosted by the car-all-seasons tyres and we also assist to a good performance of Truck & Bus, Motorcycle & Scooter tyres thanks to the economic recovery.

The pace of growth has slowed down in March as a result of the uncertainties and the impact generated by the Russia – Ukraine conflict

“We need to be realistic and presume that raw material and energy supply tensions coming from the current situation, are likely to affect sales volumes in the coming months,” said Mrs Cinaralp, Secretary General of ETRMA.

“We all hope that in the weeks to come, we will assist to a conflict resolution to stop the war and re- establish the peace”, concluded Mrs Cinaralp.

