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· Ben’s new Industry Survey 2018 is now open for responses from automotive industry

· Ben encourages automotive community to respond about their biggest health and wellbeing issues

· The results will help Ben to continue to best support those working in the industry

Ben, an independent charity and dedicated partner to the automotive industry, providing support for life to its people and their family dependents, has launched its latest survey to ask automotive industry people about the biggest health and wellbeing challenges they face. The feedback from the Industry Survey 2018 will enable Ben to ensure its health and wellbeing services remain relevant to those working in the industry. This in turn will help more people to deal with life’s toughest challenges in the future. The survey results will also help shape the organisation’s future support services. Ben is asking both automotive industry employees and employers to take part in its survey about a range of health and wellbeing issues, including mental health. Use the links below to take part in the survey: Employers (for CEOs and HR leaders): Click here to take part! Employees (anyone who works, or has worked, in the automotive industry): Click here to take part! Whether a person works on the shop floor or top floor, in a factory, garage, office, showroom or on the road, if they work (or have worked) in the automotive industry, Ben is here for them and values their input. By clicking either link, participants agree to take part in a 10 minute survey to tell Ben about the health and wellbeing issues that are most important to them (or their company if they are an employer). The survey is confidential and anonymous so participants don’t need to reveal their name or contact details.

By obtaining this vital input from industry employers and employees, Ben can continue to tailor its health and wellbeing support services to best meet their needs and address the real challenges they face. From these insights, Ben can more effectively partner with companies to improve the health and wellbeing of the workforce, reducing absence, improving productivity and raising morale. A healthy workforce has a positive impact on businesses and the automotive sector as a whole. Feedback from employers is also important to help us shape future workplace health and wellbeing services, to help provide the best support to their employees.

Zara Ross, Ben’s Chief Executive, said: “We would like to urge all employers and employees in the automotive sector to take part in Ben’s 2018 Industry Survey. This is the second year that we have run this survey to find out about the biggest issues affecting the automotive community today. “It’s really crucial that we continue to gather these vital insights from industry people so we can not only offer the relevant health and wellbeing support to those working in the industry, but also so we can work hand-in-hand with employers to help them support their employees.We really appreciate your time and feedback, thank you.”
